Sunday, 30 December 2012

Mediation: School Mediators Meeting

Mediation, as used in law, is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), a way of resolving disputes between two or more parties with concrete effects. Typically, a third party, the mediator, assists the parties to negotiate a settlement. Disputants may mediate disputes in a variety of domains, such as commercial, legal, diplomatic, workplace, community and family matters.
The term "mediation" broadly refers to any instance in which a third party helps others reach agreement. More specifically, mediation has a structure, timetable and dynamics that "ordinary" negotiation lacks. The process is private and confidential, possibly enforced by law. Participation is typically voluntary. The mediator acts as a neutral third party and facilitates rather than directs the process.

Video made by students of arts BATX. The coreography was created by PE Department. School year 2011-2012

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Season's Greetings

With the
for the


Sunday, 16 December 2012


This is a selection of the most typical ones:

Big smile
Evil grin
Shocked or surprised
Tongue tied = You don't know what to say
Wide-eyed and smiling / Wearing glasses and smiling

Learn some more by watching this video:

Thursday, 13 December 2012

TRACE EFFECTS: A video game for learning American English and culture

Who is Trace?
Trace is a university student from the year 2045 who has accidentally traveled back in time to the present. In order to get home, he must complete a challenging mission to change the future for the better by helping six different young people accomplish great things and have a positive impact on the future.

Are you ready to play? Click here:

Sunday, 9 December 2012

We claim for our rights

We love learning foreign languages but if our mother tongue disappears, a whole culture can become extinct. We don't want to lose our identity.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Monday, 12 November 2012


A tot l'alumnat interessat de 4t ESO i BATXILLERAT:

Us fem avinent que la convocatòria extraordinària de proves per a l’obtenció dels certificats de nivell intermedi i avançat d’anglès s’obrirà el 26 de novembre de 2012
Inscripció: del 26 de novembre fins el 30 de novembre de 2012
- Prova escrita: 1 de febrer de 2013
- Prova d’expressió i interacció oral: segons la convocatòria personal lliurada a cada persona aspirant el dia de la prova de grup.

Proves per obtenir els certificats de nivell intermedi i de nivell avançat de diversos idiomes. La inscripció dóna dret a fer un únic examen que consta d’una prova escrita i una prova oral.
A qui va dirigit?
A persones que tenen com a mínim 15 anys (o que els compleixen l'any que s'inscriuen a les proves) i que volen obtenir una acreditació del seu coneixement de determinat idioma. No es pot tenir simultàniament la condició d’alumne o alumna oficial d’una EOI i aspirant de règim lliure del mateix idioma.
Només han de tramitar la inscripció a la prova les persones que es presenten en règim lliure.
Termini d'inscripció: des de les 9 h del 25 de febrer fins a l'1 de març de 2013.

Sunday, 11 November 2012


Grammarman characters
Let us introduce you Grammanrman: A superhero who corrects grammar, spelling and syntanx mistakes.
You have to detect 8 errors in episode 1. HAVE A TRY!
Grammarman episode 1
Grammarman episode 2   Find uncountable nouns
Grammarman episode 3 Punctuation

Monday, 22 October 2012

Sunday, 23 September 2012


There's an error in typing on the list of 1r Batxillerat readers: The second term reader Oliver Twist is level 6, not 5. Oxford Bookworms.
this is the right book

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Who is Angel Smith?

To all Angeleta Ferrer's students:
Send us information about Angel Smith, such as a personal profile and his functions as a new member of the English Department. We'll do a selection of the best ideas and the winner we'll be the creator of our virtual student's personality and life.
E-mail us!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

BOOKS 2012-2013

click on books
To see the list of Batxillerat readers 2012-2013, visit our blog in September as titles may vary depending on your English level.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Summertime: Time for Reading

Browse the sites of some of the most popular authors among most teenagers and choose a title to read this summer. You don't have to read them in English if your level is not high enough, but you can learn about the authors and their works. If you want to recommend some more, post your suggestions right here or on our facebook account.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

London Trip Sponsorship Lottery

43227 - 56
ONCE 15 June 2012
Those students who had lottery tickets for the London Trip 2012 should check their lists to see if the winner is one of your families, relatives, friends...

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Exchange and purchase of second-hand books

If you are interested in getting rid of your old books and/or in buying second-hand books at a low price, check the Parents Representative Association where you can know more about this service.
Make sure your English student's books are in perfect conditions in order to be reused. Avoid the exchange of workbooks as you've written on most of the pages. The books needed are mainly those of the school year 2011-2012.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Summer Homework and September Examinations

In this document you will learn what to do in the summer:
  • Further practice( if you don't want to let your English get rusty)
  • Summer assignments for those who have to resit an English exam in September (ESO and BAT)
(click on ice cream)
Here you are some links to practise grammar and vocabulary:


Des del seminari d’anglès us volem informar de les assignatures optatives d’anglès anomenades “Anglès 2a Llengua” que l’alumnat de 2n, 3r i 4t d’ESO que fa francès com a 1a llengua estrangera pot escollir.

Curs  2012-2013
Nombre d’hores setmanals
Durada curs
2n ESO
3r ESO
4t ESO
Tot el curs
Tot el curs

L’alumnat de 2n (2012-2013) passarà a fer dues hores setmanals d’anglès durant tot el curs quan estigui a 3r (2013-2014).
El nostre objectiu és donar continuïtat a la matèria durant dos/tres cursos seguits i acabar el cicle presentant aquells alumnes que ho desitgin i amb bon nivell a les proves lliures oficials de l’Escola Oficial d’Idiomes (EOI).
A  4t  d’ESO  l’Anglès segona llengua estrangera passa a ser matèria optativa específica i consta de 3 hores setmanals. També volem preparar l’alumnat per a l’obtenció del títol oficial esmentat segons el nivell adquirit.

Seminari d'anglès, juny 2012

English Idioms

Test yourself!

Friday, 25 May 2012

OPTATIVA 2n Batxillerat

Will you be in “2n BATXILLERAT” next year?
Are you studying French as a first foreign language?
Would you like to refresh your English before going to university?
Now you have the chance!  Along with French, you can also choose the elective subject “English as a second foreign language” in 2n BAT. It consists in an intensive course of 4 hours a week where you can refresh, learn, improve and practise your English.
Since you won’t have to take a “Selectivitat” exam of English, you’ll be able to get ready for your new life as a university or college student revising English in such a way that you won’t feel under pressure.  Depending on the level you achieve, you’ll be able to take the official exams of “Escola Oficial d’Idiomes”(EOI), which usually take place in March and June, either level B1 (intermedi) or level B2 (avançat).
If you think that learning languages is essential in our society, join us!
(Elective subject available in itineraries C2, C8, H2, H6, A2)
English Department 
May 2012

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Proves de 4t ESO 2012

Last February all 4th ESO students in Catalonia had to take an exam in order to show their basic skills in English, Catalan, Spanish and Mathematics.
From the Department of English, we want to congratulate our students at INS Angeleta Ferrer for being above the average in English of the Catalan high schools. We encourage them to continue being interested in learning languages as it is essential for their future studies and careers.

Friday, 4 May 2012


Our future depends on the quality of our education. Instead of improving our system, the Spanish and Catalan governments are doing their best to worsen it. We don't need much - just less students per class, the optimization of budgets and the recognition of our work.

Sunday, 22 April 2012


23rd April Saint George's Day /Diada de Sant Jordi
Patron saint of England and Catalonia
William Shakespeare was born on 23rd April 1564. Would you like to know more about him?
Click on the link: 

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Angeleta’s 25th Anniversary (1986/87-2011/12)


From 23rd to 27th April many events and exhibitions will be held in our school.
Monday 23rd: Sant Jordi’s activities
Tuesday 24th:  Open Day. Families and students are welcome to visit the exhibitions in the hall.
Wednesday 25th:  Commemorative Supper for teachers and school staff
Thursday 26th: Alumni meeting
Friday 27th: Closing Ceremony.  Speeches, concerts and snacks.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Looking for a school exchange

Our high school, located in a town close to Barcelona, is interested in finding a high school in the UK, Ireland, Malta, or the Scandinavian countries in order to set up an exchange of students aged 15-16.
Please leave a post or email us in case you are interested in this project.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Atenció alumnes de 2n Batx amb anglès pendent de 1r:
examen: 18 d'abril a les 13.35 a l'aula 203

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Proves lliures EOI


Si voleu presentar-vos al juny a les proves lliures de l'Escola Oficial d'Idiomes, el termini d'inscripció és del 27 de febrer al 2 de març. Visiteu la web!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

New Library Timetable

If you have group assignments and don't have a place to meet...
If your computer doesn't work and you need one urgently...
If there's too much noise at home and can't concentrate...
If you have to look up information for an essay...
Go to Angeleta's library.

Now open on Wednesdays from 3pm to 5pm.(and every morning on weekdays)
see full timetable