Sunday, 4 November 2018
A group of students in 1 BATX have illustrated and recorded Edgar Allan Poe's THE RAVEN, a poem suitable for Halloween.
Friday, 5 October 2018
Màrius's webpage has been redesigned. See the reviews of some popular readers among teenagers. Always from Màrius's point of view! If you fancy writing yours, just email us so that we can post your review of the books you read throughout the school year.
Come along!
Come along!
Monday, 24 September 2018
VIATGES CURS 2018-2019
Recordeu que enguany estem organitzant dues sortides amb pernoctació:
3r ESO :25 de setembre
Batxillerat: 5 octubre
Si la informació no ha arribat a les famílies, podeu contactar amb nosaltres via:
Intercanvi amb Holanda 3r ESO (Treball de síntesi)
Viatge a Londres 1r i 2n Batxillerat (gener 2019)
L'alumnat d'aquests cursos ha estat informat mitjançant una carta pels pares. Per poder saber el nombre d'alumnes amb qui podem comptar, recordeu que esperem les vostres respostes el més aviat possible:3r ESO :25 de setembre
Batxillerat: 5 octubre
Si la informació no ha arribat a les famílies, podeu contactar amb nosaltres via:
Friday, 7 September 2018
2018–19 Curriculum: World of Water
The 2018-19 Global Scholars curriculum explores the role of water in our lives, cities, and world.
Students discover the importance of water to the unique culture, commerce, and daily life of their
own cities and cities around the world. At the same time, students learn from one another as they
investigate some of today’s most pressing environmental issues: water pollution, the impact of
climate change, and the challenge of providing equal access to clean, safe drinking water.
(1r cicle ESO)
Thursday, 6 September 2018
NOVETAT 2018-2019
novetat d’aquest curs és que hem estat un dels centres seleccionats per
participar en el Programa experimental de suport a la certificació dels
coneixements de llengües estrangeres en determinats ensenyaments a partir del
curs 2018-2019
La finalitat del
programa és fomentar, amb el suport de les Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes, la
certificació dels coneixements de llengua estrangera adquirits per l'alumnat.
Students interested in getting B1 / B2 certificates will be informed.
In the, write, listen, speak hard!
Monday, 2 July 2018
Monday, 25 June 2018
Sunday, 24 June 2018
English Library renewal
The English Department wants to cultivate a love of reading in our students. In order to encourage them to read, we'd like to give them some tips:
1. Read for pleasure anything you want:tales, instructions, novels, comics, magazines...
2. See the books around you. In our small English Library you can choose from a selection of teenage and adult readers.See uour catalogue of original and graded readers.
3.Share your reading experiences with classmates and teachers. We invite you to socialize around reading: book clubs, reading groups, literature circles...and to enhance reading comprehension.
4. Find new books on your own to read. Your suggestions are welcome.
5. Show and tell: Practise your writing and speaking skills through reading: review and rate your books and readings.
WHERE? Go to classroom 203. See uour new selection of readers. We have a loan book service and a library webpage where to post and share your comments, reviews and more.
1. Read for pleasure anything you want:tales, instructions, novels, comics, magazines...
2. See the books around you. In our small English Library you can choose from a selection of teenage and adult readers.See uour catalogue of original and graded readers.
3.Share your reading experiences with classmates and teachers. We invite you to socialize around reading: book clubs, reading groups, literature circles...and to enhance reading comprehension.
4. Find new books on your own to read. Your suggestions are welcome.
5. Show and tell: Practise your writing and speaking skills through reading: review and rate your books and readings.
WHERE? Go to classroom 203. See uour new selection of readers. We have a loan book service and a library webpage where to post and share your comments, reviews and more.
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Ever feeling stuck when deciding your next book? Fear not, a student of ours has created a website with recommendations to the books he's read, along with his favourite authors...
Thank you Màrius!
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Informació sobre l’Optativa
2a Llengua Estrangera – 2n Batxillerat
L’alumnat de francès
de segon de Batxillerat que hagi triat els itineraris amb franja d’optatives,
té la possibilitat d’escollir l’optativa d’Anglès
2a Llengua Estrangera a segon. Aquesta
matèria consta de 4 hores setmanals durant tot el curs escolar i està enfocada
en ampliar, reforçar i millorar la competència oral i escrita de la llengua
anglesa per a encarar una nova etapa acadèmica o laboral. Últimament rebem
informacions anunciant que l’alumnat universitari no podrà adquirir la
titulació del grau que estigui cursant si al final dels estudis universitaris
no pot certificar un domini d’una llengua estrangera de nivell B2 o First
Des del Departament de Llengües Estrangeres oferim la
possibilitat de presentar l’alumnat que ho desitgi als exàmens oficials de
l’EOI (Escola Oficial d’Idiomes) en la convocatòria extraordinària (febrer) o
ordinària (juny) de les proves lliures d’anglès. Cadascú a la convocatòria
corresponent segons el nivell adquirit. Recentment l’EOI també ha introduït la
convocatòria ordinària de nivell C1.
Al llarg del curs es facilitarà la informació necessària per
a l’obtenció del certificat pertinent.
EOI nivell intermedi (B1
/ PET)
EOI nivell avançat (B2
/ FCE)
EOI certificat nivell C1 (C1 / CAE)
El fet de dedicar 4 hores setmanals a l’estudi d’una llengua
estrangera, ens dóna la possibilitat de practicar les quatre destreses
necessàries (producció oral, producció escrita, comprensió auditiva i
comprensió escrita) per a adquirir un bon domini de l’anglès.
Sant Cugat del Vallès, 8 de maig de 2018
Departament de Llengües Estrangeres - Seminari d’anglès
Ens podeu trobar a:
Monday, 23 April 2018
The English Department is very happy to award the following students for their literary works.
Category B
1st Prize: María Álvarez Quintas, 4 ESO D, MEMORIES
2nd Prize: Adrián Martínez, 4 ESO C, SHE
Category C:
1st Prize: Noèlia Soler Saiz, 2 BATX D, NEMESIS
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Sant Jordi 2018 Literary Contest
And the winners in the English category are....
Don't miss the award giving ceremony tomorrow. Poetry is your favourite genre as all the literary works we have received this year are poems. Good luck! The die is cast "alea iacta est"
Don't miss the award giving ceremony tomorrow. Poetry is your favourite genre as all the literary works we have received this year are poems. Good luck! The die is cast "alea iacta est"
Saturday, 14 April 2018
Despite the rain, the spring we are longing for is round the corner.
At least in New York.
Look at today's The New Yorker's cover.
At least in New York.
Look at today's The New Yorker's cover.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Keep updated
We want to encourage our students to follow us on Twitter. We post articles, videos , grammar and vocabulary stuff almost daily.
Don't let your English get rusty and read about current issues . Have fun and widen your vocabulary.
See the right sidebar of this blog.
Don't let your English get rusty and read about current issues . Have fun and widen your vocabulary.
See the right sidebar of this blog.
Saturday, 17 March 2018
Our annual literary contest is open to all current students of ESO and BATX. See the rules on your classroom's notice boards, which apply to all school languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and French.
The English Department encourages all students to show their writing skills in English!
Give it a try!
Friday, 16 March 2018
Books are great friends and teachers. They provide distraction, relief, laughter and truth when you need it. They allow us to reflect who we are, in the privacy of our own minds.
But wouldn't you like to share your thoughts and feelings after reading a special book? You could learn about its background as well.Then it's time to join our brand new BOOK CLUB @angeletalectora. We'll have chats in English, Catalan, Spanish, you wish.
Once you've grabbed a copy you have about 1 month to read it.
Our first chat will be held on 23April "Saint George's Day" in the school library. There will be a little surprise!
Junior group: Phillip Pullman's El llibre de la pols (Carme Palà)
Senior group: Art Spiegelman's MAUS (Roser Ané)
Find us on Instagram.
Books are great friends and teachers. They provide distraction, relief, laughter and truth when you need it. They allow us to reflect who we are, in the privacy of our own minds.
But wouldn't you like to share your thoughts and feelings after reading a special book? You could learn about its background as well.Then it's time to join our brand new BOOK CLUB @angeletalectora. We'll have chats in English, Catalan, Spanish, you wish.
Once you've grabbed a copy you have about 1 month to read it.
Our first chat will be held on 23April "Saint George's Day" in the school library. There will be a little surprise!
Junior group: Phillip Pullman's El llibre de la pols (Carme Palà)
Senior group: Art Spiegelman's MAUS (Roser Ané)
Find us on Instagram.
A group of 47 students in 3rd ESO are packing their bags to fly to Dublin on Monday.
This is our 3rd edition of a Language Stay in Ireland as part of the project "Crèdit de Síntesi".
We hope our pupils enjoy the trip and feel sure it can be an enriching experience. Besides, you'll find the festive atmosphere of Saint Patick's Day. Don't forget your portfolio to write down everything you learn there.
This is our 3rd edition of a Language Stay in Ireland as part of the project "Crèdit de Síntesi".
We hope our pupils enjoy the trip and feel sure it can be an enriching experience. Besides, you'll find the festive atmosphere of Saint Patick's Day. Don't forget your portfolio to write down everything you learn there.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
After a long silent period, here we are again in order to inform you about our activities at the English Department. We've been posting on twitter and now we are ready to update our blog.
Our facebook page has closed down and now you can follow us on twitter:
Our facebook page has closed down and now you can follow us on twitter:
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