Friday, 25 May 2012

OPTATIVA 2n Batxillerat

Will you be in “2n BATXILLERAT” next year?
Are you studying French as a first foreign language?
Would you like to refresh your English before going to university?
Now you have the chance!  Along with French, you can also choose the elective subject “English as a second foreign language” in 2n BAT. It consists in an intensive course of 4 hours a week where you can refresh, learn, improve and practise your English.
Since you won’t have to take a “Selectivitat” exam of English, you’ll be able to get ready for your new life as a university or college student revising English in such a way that you won’t feel under pressure.  Depending on the level you achieve, you’ll be able to take the official exams of “Escola Oficial d’Idiomes”(EOI), which usually take place in March and June, either level B1 (intermedi) or level B2 (avançat).
If you think that learning languages is essential in our society, join us!
(Elective subject available in itineraries C2, C8, H2, H6, A2)
English Department 
May 2012

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Proves de 4t ESO 2012

Last February all 4th ESO students in Catalonia had to take an exam in order to show their basic skills in English, Catalan, Spanish and Mathematics.
From the Department of English, we want to congratulate our students at INS Angeleta Ferrer for being above the average in English of the Catalan high schools. We encourage them to continue being interested in learning languages as it is essential for their future studies and careers.

Friday, 4 May 2012


Our future depends on the quality of our education. Instead of improving our system, the Spanish and Catalan governments are doing their best to worsen it. We don't need much - just less students per class, the optimization of budgets and the recognition of our work.